DIY Spring Wreath

DIY Spring Wreath

I've always wanted to have one of "those" houses. The ones that have seasonal decorations year round...cute Christmas wreaths, then one for Valentine's day, Easter, Spring and so on. However, I was shocked the first time I saw how expensive a wreath can thank you. I don't need to hang an $80 circle with [...]

Goodwill DIY

Goodwill DIY

Thrift stores are like the X on a treasure map; if you follow the map, somewhere, inside the musty depths of those aisles, hang a few rare gems just waiting to be discovered. Now, it may take some digging, and sometimes you may come up empty-handed, but when you find that sought-after treasure, all of [...]

DIY: Four-Ingredient Exfoliant

DIY: Four-Ingredient Exfoliant

Your face is one of the first things people look at when they meet you, and while the saying goes "your eyes are a window to your soul", I think that your face, specifically your skin, is a window into your lifestyle. Many things can affect your skin; do you laugh a lot? Do you [...]