Feature: Dress for the Day

Feature: Dress for the Day

I've been a little absent recently, and for this I apologize, but to make it up to you I have something extra special!! A year ago, I had the honor of interning for two incredible, inspiring women...let me introduce to you Shradha and Anisha the founders of Dress for the Day! Dress for the Day is [...]

Outfit of the Day: Summer Strolling

Outfit of the Day: Summer Strolling

Nothing is more fun than donning a cute hat and booties, and browsing antique shops, while arm in arm with your sister. The perfect summer outfit is key, for strolling about over the weekend in the warm months that lay ahead,  check out our Outfit of the Day below, and where you can get this look for yourself!    [...]

Goodwill DIY

Goodwill DIY

Thrift stores are like the X on a treasure map; if you follow the map, somewhere, inside the musty depths of those aisles, hang a few rare gems just waiting to be discovered. Now, it may take some digging, and sometimes you may come up empty-handed, but when you find that sought-after treasure, all of [...]